URCとは、 当社で開発しているRC造の工法の名称です。 最大の特徴は、型枠にfabricを使用することです。 その利点は、資材量を大幅に削減できること、そして余剰水を排出するので理想的なコンクリートが実現することです。 今後さらに簡略化していき、セルフビルドでも可能とすることを目指しています。


URC is the method for casting concrete structure that I have developed and been practicing since 1997. The great characteristic of this method is to use fabric for concrete formwork.

The benefits of fabric formwork are:

・  Reduce the amount of materials consumed in concrete formwork constructions.

・  Create precise condition of concrete constructions by ejecting redundant water.

・  Eliminate air bubble on the surface of concrete which increase in intensity of concrete, as a result, slowing down deterioration of concrete constructions.

I would like to continue to design and construction research just simplifying every aspect of fabric-formed concrete and constructions. So anyone can readily make use of URC in the near future.


What’s URC